CP Transfers does work with travel agents, all pricing on our website is commission-able to you the agent unless otherwise noted. We offer Private Transfers only, we do not have any shared shuttles anywhere. We do not have a long and complicated sign up process. If this is the first time booking with us, please fill out the Travel Agent Registration Form below so that we have all the necessary information about you. You can also see the FAQ’s as well as read our About Us page.
When placing a reservation for your client please use the Travel Agent Online Reservation form that is found using the top menu under Online Reservation or use the link below. This particular form has a space for your name, email address and your phone number. Or you can click on the link below for the form and save it in your bookmarks.
We already work with agents from across the spectrum whether they be independent, with a host or franchise. We have agents with some of the biggest in the industry who use us for their clients.
Expedia Cruise Ship Centres – Cruise Planners – Travel Planners International – Avoya – Outside Agents – Travel Leaders – Nexion – Uniglobe – AAA – CAA
Join our Private Travel Agent Facebook Group using the link below:
Travel Agent Registration
All agents must fill out the registration form separately even if your agency owner or host agency has already registered personally or sent us a W-9. If there is no registration on file, you will not receive commission.
Please Note: If you are with a known MLM or any company that is involved in getting any type of “down line”, we do NOT offer commission-able services to such. We reserve the right to determine who and what companies we will work with.
Registering with us is easy:
Step 1: Click the link below, fill out the form with your information and click submit
Step 2: There is no step 2, you’re done
(There is no login and you will not hear from us after submittal if everything is completed correctly)
If you are an independent agency owner please complete a W-9 form and return to us: Click Here- IRS W-9 PDF FORM
If you are with a host/franchise and commissions are sent to them, the W-9 does not pertain to you as your host/franchise is on file with us.
You can Fax completed W-9 to 866-206-9033 or email it us at [email protected]
You must submit the W-9 to us if you are an independent agent, agency, or host agency, this is a requirement of IRS regulations. Travel Agents and Travel Agencies are NOT customers, you are independent contractors paid a commission to sell a product or service. Commissions will not be paid until this is received. If you book something and a W-9 is not received during the commission payout month, you will forfeit that commission as it will not be paid ever. No exceptions will be made under any circumstance. Sending a W-9 after the commission month will not result in a retro-active commission payout. All independent agents, and/or any other formation as required will receive a 1099 per IRS regulations. These are IRS rules and compliance is mandatory.
- Commissions are paid the following month following the last transfer date. If you have multiple transfers on one booking it would be the final transfer date that is used. Late fees, misc.fees and car seats are not commission-able. Example: If your last transfer was November 15th, this will be paid in the December commissions. The actual day does not matter, it goes by the month.
- When inputting your sales into your accounting system, you should use the last transfer date on the confirmation. Please do not alter the confirmation number in any way, as this will only delay your accounting department in dispersing your funds.
- Commission checks are not done on any set date, they are usually completed in the middle towards the end of each month. We reserve the right to only send commission checks when the total is $50.00 or greater per agent/agency.
- Commission checks sent to International addresses are subject to a mailing surcharge, that will be deducted from the commission.
- You should allow ample time for us to complete the commissions, USPS delivery, and finally for your own accounting departments to process depending upon your agency. You should not submit a request for missing commission unless it has been at least 10 days following the payment month. Submitting a missing commission request within the payment month or before the 10 days will result in a $10.00 fee. We are instituting this fee because we have some agents that are sending missing commission requests constantly before the commission is even set to be paid or not giving enough time for processing by all parties.
- If you are missing a commission, you must fill out the form below. We will no longer accept emails sent to us and you will be redirected to the form. We will not pay out any missing commission 1 year or older. Please make sure you are 10 days past the commission pay month before submitting the form.
Click Here: Travel Agent Missing Commission Request Form
Net Rates
We gladly allow agents to take a net rate for their own personal travel upfront. However if any agent takes 3 or more net rates but doesn’t book clients where they are not traveling, we reserve the right to suspend net rates and commission to such agent. You will have to book 5 different bookings that you are not a part of the travel before you will be eligible for net rates or commission. Commission will not be paid to you on these 5 bookings.
Frequently Asked Questions – FAQ’s
Many questions can be answered reading our FAQ page. You can use the link below to find our most asked questions and the corresponding answer to such questions.
FAQ Page
You must place an actual reservation either by phone during normal business hours or you can use the Travel Agent Online Reservation form on the website 24/7. All reservations are charged at the time of booking, we do not “hold” vehicles.
We will not take reservations by email, and please DO NOT send us your clients credit card information by unsecured email.
Below is a Travel Agent Online Reservation form for your bookings, you can also reach it using the Online Reservation option in the main menu.
Travel Agent Online Reservation Form
You can place a reservation either by phone during normal business hours or you can use the link above ( it is also located under “Online Reservations” in the menu bar above). We do not accept reservations by email.
Please make sure to always use the travel agent form, it will ask for your name and phone number first then your clients name. If you do not see it laid out this way, you are on the retail form which is the wrong form.
If you use the retail reservation form that does not ask for your name and phone number first you will not be paid commission. We will not change or alter this later if you used the wrong form and you will forfeit any commission.
You as the agent placing the reservation are responsible for accurate information and the reservation itself.
You must fill out the quote form for International Transfers as well as any transfer over 14 people. These will not be quoted by phone.
Price Quotes: To get a price quote on any service, you must fill out the quote request form. You can access this form either in the main menu above, or by clicking this link: Quote Form
Please Note: We are moving people away from just sending us emails for quotes to the quote form. In many cases we are missing vital information to give a quote thereby creating a email thread of numerous messages. If wanting additional quotes for different transfers please submit a new request and do not add it to an existing email quote thread. This is causing great confusion on not only our part but on those requesting as well.
If you send us an email asking for a price quote missing information, you will receive a response asking you to fill out the quote form. We are also reminding individuals that in the future to please use the quote form.
All quote pricing is subject to change at any time until a an actual reservations is placed.
Types of Service and Pricing
Please make certain when relaying our services to the end client that you are accurate in what it is they are getting. Promising services that are not paid for or offered is a violation of trust and business practices.
Standard Service: Unless otherwise told to us, this is the type of pricing you will receive when putting in a quote request or seeing the pricing on our website.
With standard pricing you are not getting extra services, these are standard cars which could be late model, drivers are usually dressed casually. Drivers are not just waiting for people at locations, with a buffer for lateness. Pricing is based on a point to point transfer only with the amount of people traveling. No extra’s of any kind nor higher end vehicles, including waiting due to lateness are included.
Executive Service: This type of service needs to be requested at the time of getting a quote request. Executive service gets higher end vehicles (ie, Mercedes, BMW, Bentley, Rolls Royce), drivers are uniformed or dressed appropriately. Drivers will be at the location at the time reserved and will wait additional time if needed, when included with reservation. Additional wait time charges may apply. Extra amenities may be available depending upon vehicle and location such as drinks, in vehicle Wifi, and entertainment consoles. You must specifically request pricing on this type of service.
Online Forms
If ever a credit card authorization or other form is required, we send those to you separately from a company called Encyro, which is similar in nature to Docusign. It is an e-from that either you or your clients can fill out, then just click the submit button. There is nothing to download. There is also a separate section where they can upload documents to us all within a secured system.
The link where any all documents can be uploaded to us using the Encyro system is here: https://www.encyro.com/cptransfersandtours
If you need to fill out a credit card authorization you can find the forms here. If you don’t have a fax machine to send the forms back, there is an upload option additionally on this page. We have these still available just in case there is an issue or need for actual paper copies. However we prefer everyone to use Encyro, as that system keeps everything together automatically.